Friday, 18 January 2008

baduga dance

18 feb, bharata yatra 2008,
covai, tamil nadu

it was the badugas again who rocked the last sessions on both days in covai. they sang for 3-4 hours non stop. different sets of people danced in front of amma, below the stage. amongst them was one particular lady who sang on top of her voice, with closed eyes, her face radiating devotion and bliss. amma also had made a reference about their devotion. they are indeed blessed to to get an opportunity to come, sing and dance in front of amma.

the darshan finished at 6.30 in the morning. after the programs in covai (it is the short form of Coimbatore and it is extensively used in tamil).

amma left in the afternoon to pondicherry.

once the roads in tamil nadu used to be good roads even though they are single lane. today the traffic has increased multi-fold but the road has deteriorated. there seem to be more potholes than level road, so it will take some time to reach pondicherry.
may be we will reach in the morning hours...

once we are there, i will share with you the beautiful stop we had at bhavani.

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