Friday, 18 January 2008

typical tamil touch

17 jan 2008, covai

we reached covai past 8 p.m. amma was welcomed in the traditional way. now wherever amma goes people call out "mata rani ki jai". its nice to watch the love and devotion in action in amma's children.

tamil people are characteristically very vociferous. i fail to understand why they speak so loudly. normal conversation itself is at a very high volume. their sound box has extra watts output - both men and women. but i love them. may be god has created them that way.

the temperature in covai is cold as compared to amritapuri. it is now 18 C. feels pleasant and nice. it is expected to drop further down during early morning hours.

we are all staying in the amrita vidyalaym building. amma is on the first floor. in front of the school the brahmasthanam temple stands facing the school and the temporary stage.

the final preparation is going on. people are working to make the pandal and stage look beautiful. the stage back-drop has peculiar colours. people here use very strong and contrasting colours - a typical tamil touch.

its 1.00 am now. i have to get ready for tomorrows action. so let me log off.
namah sivaya

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