Wednesday, 18 February 2009

god's own language

29 jan 2009, Bharata Yatra
it started in coimbatore this time. amma started to speak tamil on the microphone. she used to speak tamil long long ago during the devibhava darshan in the early days, even though it was not her mother tongue. but not otherwise.
now, amma was leading the manasapuja step by step here on the mic.

when amma spoke in tamil, asking people to sit straight and close their eyes, they started clapping!

when amma spoke, she sounded like a small child - very sweet and innocent. many were crying listening to amma speak in their mother tongue. the same went on in neyveli, chennai, madurai and in kanyakumari.

i also saw a few devotees recording the manasapuja on to their cellphones. now they can do the manasapuja daily listening to amma's voice in their mother tongue.

i am sure that amma will now extent this manasa puja into other languages - kannada, hindi, telugu, gujarati, bengali, french, german, spanish, italian and what not.

amma is love; love can speak any language

~ dhyanamrita