23 jan, chennai - bharata yatra 2009
it was always a problem of space in chennai. too many people come to see amma in tooo little space. but there is space for everyone in amma.
lot of politicians, film actors, musicians came to see amma apart from the general public. the musicians not only had darshan, they made every one the taste a bit of rasa they received from amma.
famous play back singers ks chitra and chinmayi sang beautiful bhajans. umayalpuram k sivaram was the next. he did a solo in karnatic percussion instrument mridungam for about 20 minutes. everyone was thrilled by his skills, speed and perfection. such a grace is flowing though his fingers. when he went for darshan amma gave her rosewood bangles and put it on his hands.
next day it was violin concerts by kum. kanyakumari and then by lalgudi jr krishnan. oh ! that was superb. you cant say who is outstanding whether the violinist krishnan or the mrudangist vaidhyanathan or the the one who played ghatam - the mud pot- karthik. for about 2 hours they were entertaining the ears and the hearts of chennaites. - even those who dont understand the karnatic classicals.
at the end it was Amma with "jhoppadi" and "mata rani" rocked the hall.
there is a saying 'sisurvethi pasur vethi vethi ganarasam phani' - baby knows, animals knows, lord siva knows the taste of good music. with amma every one enjoys.
~ dhyanamrita