21 march, bharata yatra 2008, kolkata
the loooooong bharata yatra is coming to an end. we were on the road for days and nights, of many weeks; in different states, languages, food, climates, travel, programes, bhajans, satsangs and jokes, prasad from amma... it's all getting over. all that has happened is becoming beautiful memories..
the majority of the group will go back to amritapuri, some to their homes around the world, and a few with amma to continue to andaman, singapore, australia...
before leaving, amma gave a satsang. it was a reflection of the tour, what we did, what we were supposed to do. it was a re-education of what spirituality means; how many times we failed to surrender, what a guru disciple relationship means, etc. so many points to pond over...
probably it was one of the best satsangs in recent times, as far as a serious sadhak is concerned. we have heard this many times, but when you hear it again, it helps to re-evaluate where we stand.. actually, that is the purpose of all this yatra. being asked once, amma said "if your mind is traveling, its yatra. if not, its not yatra."
as spiritual aspirants, we all should try harder to keep the mind off yatra; not to wander here and there, but to keep it with our selves.
may amma bless us.