Monday, 17 March 2008

entering bengal

17 march, bharata yatra 2008, to kolkata

we stayed overnight at dhanbad, in the state of jharkhand. the next day, we proceeded to kolkata, the last leg of the great bharata yatra 2008. what will be the next surprise that lies with amma? who knows?
on the roadside, it was a series of factories and mines. then the fields of potatoes and rice.. the first thing you notice of the bengalis is lack of cleanliness. they are generally tamasic. it is the state where ramakrishna and vivekananda were born! now amma is going to install a brahmasthanam to awaken them.

our buses got in the traffic and at the railway gates. even though amma was waiting, the rest of the group could not reach for the lunch stop with amma. and amma's vehicle drove directly to kolkata. so nothing special happened on the much expected last leg.

see u in brahmasthanam

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